For most powder coaters, a media blasting cabinet will be the most ideal way to prepare your parts for powder coating. They are available in a range of sizes that will suit small DIY projects up to very large projects. Media blasting cabinets keep all of your blasting media contained in a sealed environment and which allows you to get the most use out of your media and also keep your area clean. Here is an example of a cheap media blasting cabinet for a small DIY powder coating setup: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Optimizing a Cheap Sand Blasting Cabinet
Caulk the Cabinet's Seams
First, the cabinet I mentioned above is about the cheapest floor-standing cabinet available that closely matches the dimensions of a household oven. So of course, it is going to need a little tweaking. The first thing I did after assembly was to caulk all of the seams of the cabinet to make sure no sandblasting dust can escape the cabinet. If there is even a minor leak in the cabinet, you will notice that every surface of the garage will be covered with dust after awhile. I highly recommend Silicone free caulk to seal up all of the inside seams and through bolts in your cabinet. This should be done before you have added any blasting media to the cabinet, otherwise, you must thoroughly clean the cabinet for the caulk to seal correctly.Upgrade the Sandblasting Gun in the Cabinet
This is not 100% necessary but if you want an efficient sandblasting cabinet, a better sandblasting gun can make a world of difference. Skat Blast sandblasting guns are a great upgrade as they are more powerful, faster, and more comfortable than the guns that come with a cheap cabinet.There are different versions of the gun and nozzles available for different air compressors:
Air Compressor Output Gun Nozzle
4-9 CFM S-35 Small Small Ceramic
10-15 CFM S-35 Medium Medium Ceramic / Medium Carbide
20-25 CFM C-35-S Large Large Ceramic
25+ CFM High-Volume Gun High-Volume Head
The next step is protecting the window.
Your blast cabinet comes with a tempered glass window for safety reasons. If you do nothing to protect it, the window will slowly be etched by your media bouncing back and hitting the glass. This can happen to the point of not being able to see through the window at all.

Another option is going down to Lowe's or Home Depot and having a piece of glass cut the same exact dimensions of your window. They charge about $10 for glass that size and they will cut it for free. (UPDATE: Some Lowe's and Home Depot have stopped cutting glass to custom sizes. Please call ahead first.) Then just take that piece of glass and place it on the inside of the tempered glass that came in your cabinet. The cut piece of glass will last longer than the sticky film sheets mentioned above but you do have to disassemble your window shroud every time you want to replace the protector glass. Also put a piece of tape around the border of the two pieces of glass to seal them together. Otherwise media will manage to get lodged in there and there is no way to get it out without disassembling the whole window frame.
Lighting your Cabinet:
Most media blasting cabinets come with some sort of overhead light. If you are using a bench top blast cabinet or if you would like some extra light, a very cheap light that works well is a fish tank hood light placed on the top portion of the blast cabinet window. It is what I use on my cabinet, and it provides all of the light I need. Because the light is outside the cabinet, it is protected from dust and from being etched by the media. If you use any internal cabinet lighting, the dust can build up on the light until the point that no light is visible. However, in blast cabinet, the more lighting, the better. Puck lights or LED light strips are a great way to add more light. Just keep in mind, that without some kind of protection, they will eventually become etched by the blasting media and lose their ability to light up the cabinet. So either go cheap with the lights or use some kind of glass or plexiglass shielding. Even more important is to protect any of the lights wiring running inside of the cabinet. It wouldn't take long for for the blasting media to wear away at the wire insulation which could turn your entire media blasting cabinet into a shock hazard.
Dust Collection:

DIY Dust Collection:
I have used an improvised dust collector made from an old vacuum cleaner and a thein baffle. I eventually switched to a shop-vac which is more powerful and quieter but it takes up more space. If you have neither, go with the shop vac. I personally believe Rigid shop-vacs are superior to the other brands when spending less than $200. If you don't have any floor space available, wall-mount shop vacs are available that will keep your sandblasting cabinet area tidy, however, most of them come with a 1 7/8" diameter hose instead of a 2 1/2" hose of a standard shop vac.
There are two issues with using a vacuum or a shop vac. The first one is that they are much louder than an actual media blasting cabinet dust collection system. If I am going to be blasting for longer than a couple of minutes, I will wear ear plugs or headphones to avoid listening to the constant drone of the vacuum. The other issue is that shop-vac and vacuum filters are not designed to catch small blasting particles. The dust particles produced from blasting are smaller than the filter can catch allowing them to travel right through it and into the motor. These particles will quickly wear down the motor. The particles that don't flow right through the filter will quickly clog the filter which leads to cleaning the filter after every half hour of blasting which gets very tedious.
A way to overcome the constantly cleaning the filter is to pre-filter the blast media before it reaches the vacuum. The type of pre-filter commonly used is called either a thein baffle or water bong. It can be made with a 5 gallon bucket, two vacuum hoses, and some cheap plumbing fittings.
The idea is that the as the media is sucked through the first hose, it is pointed directly downwards toward the water where it will get trapped, but the air can still pass up to the hose connected to the vacuum. It works surprisingly well and extends my filter cleaning periods from 30 minutes to a week. But now cleaning the filter means scraping out wet sludge out of the bottom of the bucket, filling back up with water and putting back into use.
Quick instructions on what how I made this. I save vacuum parts like the hoses and tubes because I have found several times when they served to be useful.
- 2 vacuum hoses(a vacuum or shop vac should have one already)
- 1 tube that fits inside the first hose(I used the extension tool that comes with vacuums, cut to length, pvc pipe would work also.
- 1 something to angle the 2nd tube towards the wall of the bucket(I used another vacuum tool here, the little brush attachment that is for cleaning upholstery, I just cut off all the bristles)
- 5 gallon bucket with tight fitting lid
- caulk

- Cut 2 holes in the lid of a 5 gallon bucket. I just traced the outside diameter of each vacuum hose onto the bucket lid and cut it the holes using a Dremel. If you have hole saws the same size, great, use those.
- Insert hose end into bucket lid, I cut mine out so it would fit pretty tight. I then sealed both sides of the lid with caulk. Do the same with the other hose end.
- Attach 1st hose to a hole in the cabinet. My cabinet already had a hole in it for for this purpose and it also had a block off plate since the cabinet didn't come with a dust collector. I originally cut a hole in the block-off plate and sealed the other end of the hose to the plate. This meant that the bucket lid was permanently attached to the cabinet though so I later changed this to a removable design.
- Wait for caulk to dry so you can handle the lid.
- Insert extension tube into 1st hose and cut it off about 4 inches from the bottom of the bucket.
- Insert angle vacuum attachment onto other hose
- Fill bucket with water just below the tube(if the tube is going directly into the water, it can cause a vacuum so strong that it will crush the bucket)
- Hook up 2nd vacuum hose to vacuum.
- Your blast cabinet will need some type of breather to allow air in, otherwise the negative pressure tends to suck the gloves right off of the cabinet. My cabinet had a 2nd hole in it for whatever reason along with a block off plate. I just removed the plate and taped a Scotchbrite pad to the open port to prevent media from flying out.
- Optional: If you use a shop vac, you can skip this since a shop vac is already pretty compact. A regular vacuum is pretty bulky in my garage. I took all the unused stuff off the vacuum: the handle, the entire bottom section with the wheels and brushes and other random pieces. Now it fits with the bucket underneath my cabinet near the back so it takes up no room.
A much less labor intensive alternative to the thein baffle mentioned before is a Dust Deputy and it's conical design will work better than the plumbing fittings used above. These are very commonly used in home shops for dust filtration. They are designed to hookup to a standard shop-vac and catch all of the small dust before it reaches the vacuum. In other words, they are designed for exactly this purpose. The Dust Deputy can be ordered here but you will need your own bucket and vacuum hose. You will also need to modify the bucket lid to mount the dust deputy. If you want a ready-to-go setup, they also offer this kit that comes with the bucket and extra hose.
For conveniences sake, I attached a power strip to the sandblasting cabinet to plug the vacuum and lighting into. With the switch on the power strip, I can turn everything on and off as easily as if it were built in.
With these adjustments and modification, even a cheap cabinet like the one I use can work great. However, if you want a very high quality cabinet set-up out of the box, complete with lighting and a dust collection system, this TP Tools Blast Cabinet cannot be beat. It is literally the best deal I have seen for a complete cabinet of this size with all of the high-end features.
Media Blasting Outside or in a Blast Room

To do blasting outside, you need to protect all of your skin, your eyes, and your lungs. A sandblasting hood will help keep your head protected, and I never blast outside the cabinet without a respirator. Make sure you avoid using sand whether blasting in a cabinet or outside. Blasting with sand is dangerous for your lungs and there are much safer alternatives.
and long pants will be fine to cover up your skin. For your face and eyes,
If you plan on media blasting at more than a hobbyist level, such as everyday at work, you may want to look into a supplied air breathing system to supply clean air to a sand blasting helmet. With this, there is a small compressor that supplies filter air that is safe for human consumption. You place the compressor in an area that can take in clean fresh air and it pumps the air to your mask for you to breathe. This is also the only way to ensure you are protecting your lungs when painting with two part automotive paints.
Now that you are suited up and ready to blast safely, I recommend setting up your blasting area on a large tarp. This serves as a clean place for your used media to land while your blasting. Once your bucket or pressure pot of media is empty, you can sweep it up and pour it back in to get more use out of it. Just make sure you filter the media. I use a window screen folded over itself a couple times.
If you are in a professional environment, or just have a really big garage, you can setup a dedicated blasting room for large parts. This works out basically the same as blasting outside, except your media is contained in the room.
That sums it up for setting up your media blaster / sand blaster. It is really a great tool to have and once you have one, you will wonder why you didn't have one all your life.
A cyclone dust separator can be bought or built easily to catch most dust before getting to the filter. Much less messy to empty than the water filter. I made a small one out of a tapered flower pot for my blaster, it worked so well that I made another bigger one for my regular shop-vac from a tapered bucket. I hardly ever have to clean the filter.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recommendation. I will add it to the article. I have considered getting the Oneida cyclone dust separator and seeing how well it does, but making my own seems a lot better. It is definitely messy to empty the sludge out of the bucket with my current system but I only have to do it once a month.
DeleteHi! I have just recently got into powder coating and all of your articles have been a huge help! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have a question about using a sandblasting cabinet for the powder coating process. I already have a cabinet for the media blasting. I'm looking into getting a small bench top cabinet to do my spraying in. My thinking is it would be great to contain the overspray. I don't have a garage or shop so it can get very messy. Plus I don't believe spraying outdoors is going to end with great results. The only negative I can think of is the grounding of the item being sprayed. What are your thoughts? And thanks again, love the site!
Those bench top blasters are pretty tiny. I don't see there being enough room inside for the powder coating gun and still being able to move around enough to spray the part, especially since you need to maintain 6" to 8" distance between the gun and the part. When I first started out, I attempted to spray in a gigantic cardboard box and I still felt claustrophobic inside.
DeleteI now use an old 6ft tall TV armoire with doors to spray in. I have a box fan and filter installed in the back which catches most of the overspray but it is not perfect. I use an upside down caster wheel with the wheel removed mounted to the cieling of the cabinet as my hanging hook. The ground wire is bolted to the caster wheel with cable lug. I cleaned all of the grease out of the caster wheel and filled it with dry graphite lubricant which conducts electricity. It works pretty well but I'm still looking for something better. I suppose it would be pretty easy to convert the tv armoire into a closed spray booth with a large piece of plexiglass covering the front. Then cut two holes to install sandblasting gloves. It would basically a gigantic sandblast cabinet at that point.
If you think you'll have enough room inside the benchtop cabinet with your equipment and size of your parts, then you could use a mini caster wheel with the wheel itself removed. Hope that helps.
FWIW, I have powder coated outside with no ill effects. It's static attraction so unless it is a super windy day I doubt coverage will be an issue. I don't have trees or anything over my driveway so I just have a metal rack on wheels that my powder coat setup sits on and is grounded to and then I just have two welding clamps with some steel small gauge aircraft cable to. One end goes on my powder rack and the other goes to a ground rod I sunk on the edge of my driveway, (low enough to not get hit by the mower). The ground cable is long enough I can use it indoors or just roll it just outside the garage door and then do my powdering right near the entrance, then I powder the part, and put it straight in the oven and while it's curing I'll roll it back inside if I am done or prep the next batch of parts. Heck, Once it starts to warm up I have a 25 foot welder extension cord I plug my oven into and wheel it outside as well. Saves me from having to smell the oven plus when I have the AC on in the garage it's not dueling climate devices, lol. The great thing about it is I don't have to do anything after I am done except fire up the leaf blower and the driveway is instantly clean. I just make sure while I am doing it my truck is out on the street. It might waste a little more powder doing it that way, but to be honest if I wanted to I could wrap 3 of the sides of that rack in plastic to prevent any crosswind and I usually am working with the cheap HF black powder so at 6 bucks a pound I'm OK with not recycling it. I think my setup is pretty decent but the only thing I really need to do is build a bigger oven, but I will be working on that soon.
DeleteI have a custom sport bike i'm building and need advice on the best media for for cabinet blasting aluminum parts. 99% is aluminum and want to make sure i'm getting the right profile for the job without worries of impregnation?